The Truth About … Improving Your Mental Health

This 57 minute video from the BBC ranges across a variety of subjects, including heartbeat control, diet and the gut-to-brain vagal nerve connection, exercise, passive vs active engagement with social media, loneliness, social prescribing, insomnia and more. The programme producers say:

“Clinical psychologist Professor Tanya Byron teams up with former England footballer Alex Scott, who has suffered from depression, to discover how the latest science can help us gain greater control over our state of mind and improve our mental health and wellbeing. 

Even in normal times, one in four of us will experience mental health difficulties, but living through a global pandemic has put our mental health under unprecedented strain. Over the past year, a team from Imperial College London, in collaboration with the BBC, have surveyed the mental health of over 350,000 people across the UK. 

This unique study provides a snapshot before and during the pandemic, revealing its shocking impact.”

You can watch the video from here.

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