“As more of us flock to urban living, city designers are re-thinking buildings’ influence on our moods in an era of ‘neuro-architecture'”.
An article by Michael Bond on the BBC Future website begins:
“‘We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us,’ mused Winston Churchill in 1943 while considering the repair of the bomb-ravaged House of Commons.
More than 70 years on, he would doubtless be pleased to learn that neuroscientists and psychologists have found plenty of evidence to back him up.
We now know, for example, that buildings and cities can affect our mood and well-being, and that specialised cells in the hippocampal region of our brains are attuned to the geometry and arrangement of the spaces we inhabit.
Yet urban architects have often paid scant attention to the potential cognitive effects of their creations on a city’s inhabitants. The imperative to design something unique and individual tends to override considerations of how it might shape the behaviours of those who will live with it. That could be about to change …”
You can read more from here.