“Painting with screwdrivers helps my mental health”

The BBC reports on Screwdriver artist Johno Cornish, who uses painting to help mental health:

“An artist who uses screwdrivers instead of brushes says painting helps him manage his mental health.

Johno Cornish, from Norwich, began using art as an emotional outlet after trying to take his own life in 2005.

‘It makes me concentrate on something, it makes me feel happy when I paint,’ he said.

He uses screwdrivers rather than traditional brushes because he says it is easier to create ‘movement’ in his works.

Mr Cornish said: ‘I want to go right to the top. Everyone needs to have a dream and my dream is to help my family and maybe one day have a house overlooking the sea.’ …”

You can watch a short (1 minute) video clip here.

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