The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain

This book has been written by Thomas Armstrong. The publishers say:

“ADHD, dyslexia, autism: the number of illness categories listed by the American Psychiatric Association has tripled in the last fifty years. With so many people affected, it is time to revisit our perceptions on this ‘culture of disabilities.’

Bestselling author, psychologist, and educator Thomas Armstrong illuminates a new understanding of neuropsychological disorders. He argues that if they are a part of the natural diversity of the human brain, they cannot simply be defined as illnesses. Armstrong explores the evolutionary advantages, special skills, and other positive dimensions of these conditions.

A manifesto as well as a keenly intelligent look at ‘disability,’ The Power of Neurodiversity is a must for parents, teachers, and anyone who is “differently brained …”

The book includes an explanation of eight principles of neurodiversity:

  1. The Human Brain Works More Like an Ecosystem than a Machine.
  2. Human Brains Exist Along Continuums of Competence.
  3. Human Competence is Defined by the Values of the Culture to Which You Belong.
  4. Whether You are Regarded As Disabled or Gifted Depends Largely on When and Where You Were Born.
  5. Success in Life is Based on Adapting One’s Brain to the Needs of the Surrounding Environment.
  6. Success in Life Also Depends on Modifying Your Surrounding Environment to Fit the Needs of Your Unique Brain (Niche Construction).
  7. Niche Construction Includes Career and Lifestyle Choices, Assistive Technologies, Human Resources, and Other Life-Enhancing Strategies Tailored to the Specific Needs of a Neurodiverse Individual.
  8. Positive Niche Construction Directly Modifies the Brain, Which in Turn Enhances its Ability to Adapt to the Environment.

You can find out more from here.

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