Germany now has a Ministry of Happiness and Wellbeing, run by the Gina Schöler (pictured above), who has written that:
“The Ministry of Happiness and Wellbeing offers a creative view on the wide field of happiness and wellbeing.
As Minister of Happiness, I involve the community by playfully visualising insights and facts from happiness research and positive psychology, through (online and offline) ideas, events, actions and impulses, which are easily integrated in everyday life. That’s how happiness comes alive and everyone becomes a happiness ambassador themselves!
International Day of Happiness
20th March is the official International Day of Happiness. In my opinion, this Day is all about love, connection, faith, solidarity, humanity and connectivity (with yourself and others). I come up with a new idea to celebrate this special Day every year, to spread happiness and inspire people to take actions to increase happiness in general.
Earlier this year I was brainstorming what this year’s Happiness Day project could be about, when a former participant from one of my workshops and seminars, named Simone, emailed me. She was caught by the idea of spreading good vibes and designing happiness, and she is also really passionately in love with lyrics and poetry. So we came up with the idea to put these two subjects together: Happiness + writing …”
Read more here.